Tuesday 22 April 2008

Hansard 2007-04-19 South-West Helicopter

Title: Emergency services: Warrnambool helicopter
Activity: Questions without Notice
Date: 19 April 2007
Page 894

19 April 2007 COUNCIL

Page 894

Emergency services: Warrnambool helicopter

Mr KAVANAGH (Western Victoria) -- My question is to the Minister for Planning representing the Minister for Police and Emergency Services in the other place. Western Victoria needs an emergency helicopter service. It is the only part of Victoria not to have one. In view of the capacity of an emergency helicopter service to rescue people and to convey them to specialist services, thereby preventing deaths and minimising the impact of injuries; the potential for alternative uses, like helping to fight bushfires and maybe even helping the police; and the demonstrated willingness of companies to massively subsidise the cost of such a service, will the government change its position of requiring proponents in western Victoria to develop a business plan, and will it assume the mantle of leadership that the people of Victoria expect from it and take action to develop an emergency helicopter service for western Victoria?

After all, would that not make western Victoria a better place to live, work and raise a family?


Peter Kavanagh MLC
Member for Western Victoria
Parliament of Victoria

"La Cabine"
2nd Floor
1 Yarra Street
Geelong VIC 3220

Ph: 03 5222 1503
Fax: 03 5222 8677

Email: peter.kavanagh@parliament.vic.gov.au
Blog: http://peterkavanagh.blogspot.com/
Site: http://www.dlpwestvic.org/

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